Digital Signal Processing with FPGA

The ongoing digital transformation process across all industrial sectors involves doing away with conventional processes and embracing interconnectivity, digitalization, and streamlined data management. Although常规数字信号处理器(DSP)continue to be applied to process signals and aggregate data, hardware and technological limitations mean more agility is required for DSPs to function optimally in modern facilities and systems. Hence, hosts of relatively more modern signal processing solutions are required, and the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) falls within this contemporary category.


Purchasing a DSP means it must be used until the end-user decides to go for an upgrade. Throughout its use, you are limited to its:

  • 固定体系结构
  • Fixed computing resources
  • 修复了硬件功能

The rigidity of DSP features makes them unsuitable for use in dynamic applications. In a scenario where a facility intends to increase the operational capacity of a system, older DSPs become redundant. The DSP’s processing capabilities cannot be reconfigured, so it must be discarded.

丢弃较旧的DSP进行较新的升级是有代价的。较旧的通用DSP可能会在1到300美元之间,具体取决于其功能和应用。但是对于制造业等领域中的应用程序特定升级-通常需要最大的处理能力-the cost of a new DSP fluctuates from $1,000 to $3,500. For example, to double the computing performance of a system with two DSPs, four DSPs will be required. What’s more, this increase will need reconfiguration and task-scheduling to get the system to function optimally.


特征, Functions, and Applications of FPGAs

FPGA设备的设计具有可配置的逻辑元素和内存。可以将通用的FPGA配置为根据需要操作和支持各种应用程序。FPGA的设计也是模块化的,最终用户可以实现多个硬件设计,以确保FPGA适合特定系统。最终用户或程序员可以利用硬件说明语言,例如Verilog HDL,VHDL和SystemC来实现硬件的设计。

FPGAdevices are also equipped with embedded memory, embedded processors such as ARM Cortex-M, and DSP blocks thus creating a standalone system built for specific applications. For example, an FPGA device that can manage large data sets eliminates the need to include external memory devices to support its use. The versatility of the FPGA’s design empowers designers with the option of implementing its system components in the embedded processor and designing hardware components using its general logic resources.

The average cost of an FPGA fluctuates according to its features, but the more advanced solutions fall within the $1,000 range. The extended features an FPGA provides such as embedded processors, memory, and hardware flexibility coupled with its cost make it the more efficient signal processing unit compared to traditional DSPs.

What’s the Difference Between DSPs and FPGAs?


Digital Signal Processor (DSP) 现场编程的门阵列(FPGA)
操作/功能 Instruction-based signal processors require approximately four instructions for any operation. Data must first be captured at the input, transferred to the processing core, and processed within the core for every operation. FPGAs are clock-based, and every clock can perform mathematical operations on the incoming data stream. This speeds up the processing process.
编程语言/机制 标准DSP是使用标准C进行编程的。设计师必须精通DSP的设计来实施其使用。 FPGAs utilize an extensive variety of legacy codes to perform functions. This simplifies the designer’s task.
特征 刚性硬件和有限的计算资源。提高其性能功能需要增加系统内的DSP数量。 灵活的硬件,嵌入式内存,嵌入式处理器使其成为具有可扩展计算资源的功能系统。
Cost 通用DSP相对便宜,而特定于应用的DSP昂贵。重新配置DSP也是一个昂贵的过程。 FPGA可以重新使用以适合各种应用。这种多功能性使其易于使用。

Are Development Boards the Best Option for You?



FPGAand SoC development boards also provide designers with extendable tools for rapidly prototyping embedded systems such as DSPs. Leveraging a development board allows end-users more design flexibility when compared to the average microprocessor.

For example, the Eclypse Z7 is一个开发生态系统,使设计师能够插入ZMODSof choice to start the prototyping process. Hence, the user can design, update, and scale the functionalities of DSPs and FPGAs at need. The Eclypse Z7 ecosystem comes at a relatively cheaper cost of approximately $500, compared to the cost of reconfiguring traditional DSPs.

从传统的DSP到灵活性主机开发板提供的是您应用程序的正确决定。如果您决定采取行动,Digilent的Eclypse Z7生态系统将为您提供DSP应用程序所需的灵活性和集成多功能性。了解更多有关Eclypse生态systemfor digital signal processing.

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One Comment on “Digital Signal Processing with FPGA”

  1. For the same money won’t the FPGA’s max system clock speed be much lower than the generic DSP?

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