Electronics Explorer Board - Using the Power Supplies

这Electronics Explorer Board power supplies have many more capabilities and options than the Analog Discovery 2.

Figure 1. Electronics Explorer Board.


  • 1 Electronics Explorer Board
  • A computer with USB port to run the software

如果您想要一些帮助让您的电子资源开发板设置和校准,或安装波形,请查看此快速入门Instructables collection. The calibration is similar to the Analog Discovery 2, and I recommend you calibrate your Electronics Explorer board before using it. You will need to have a high-wattage (≅10W) resistor between 10-50Ω and a quality voltmeter to finish the calibration.


Figure 2. Power supplies button.

This will open the power supplies window.

Figure 3. Power supplies window.

At the top you have three options: “File”, “Control”, and “Window”.

  • “File” lets you保存当前的电源设置作为一个新项目,你可以Open该项目将电源设置为已保存的设置。你可以出口the power supply settings, either as an image or as raw data in *.csv, *.txt, or *.tdms format. You can alsoClosethe power supplies window from here.
  • “控制”可以访问RunStop职能。
  • “Window” lets you view other波形您打开的工具,主波形屏幕或帮助window.


Figure 4. Power supply types.

在左上角是Master Enable,它将打开/关闭任何在该按钮下方的列表中的校验标记。未选中的任何频道不会使用Master Enable按钮打开。

Figure 5. Power supply channel list.

这re are four boxes to the right of the enable boxes.

Figure 6. The four boxes to the right of the power supply channel list.

在左上角是thePositive Supply(VP+). You can set the voltage to any value between 0 and +9V out to 3 decimal places. You can also set the max current limit to any value between 0 and 1.5A out to 3 decimal places. Once VP+ is enabled and turned on, the Electronics Explorer Board will send back real time voltage and current data, which will be displayed in the box below the drop-down menu.

低于阳性供应是负供应(vp-)。参数限制与vp +相同,除负而不是正面。实时数据也将显示一旦启用并打开。

To the top right you have your固定供应(Vcc)。您可以选择+ 3.3 vor +5V. This is really useful for powering microcontrollers, microprocessors, or FPGA chips that require a steady power supply. Real time voltage and current data is displayed below the drop-down menu. You cannot limit the current available on this channel.

Below the Fixed Supply are the参考卷(Vref1和Vref2)。您可以在-10V和+ 10V之间设置这些值。小数精度随着MV或V值而异。电子探险板监控这些引脚没有实时数据。




By clicking on the button displayed below, you can select from a list of additional metrics to add to the watch list.图8.其他指标按钮。

Figure 8. Metric display.

Double click on the metric you want to add, then click “Close”. The new metric will appear at the bottom of the list. Note that Vmtrn是电子探险板的独家功能,并在板本身上指定四个内置电压表中的一个。它们可以参考内部测量电压GND电子探险板的飞机。


With a metric highlighted, the button displayed below lets you reassign a metric to that slot. You can have as many instances of the same metric as you want. You can also just double click on a metric to reassign that slot to a different metric.图10.重新分配度量标准。

这button below will add Maximum and Minimum columns to each metric, next to the Value column. As more samples are taken, these values will change to reflect the max or min value that has been measured by that metric.图11.添加Max和Min列。

这History box sets the total metric history that is viewable in the plot window. You can set this value to most values between 10s and 24 hours. If the value you enter won't work, the plot will auto-correct to the closet value that will work.Figure 12. History box.

这button below lets you change the plot update rate and how many samples are shown in the plot window. Be aware that these two values are tied to the value in the History box, and changes in one will likely affect one or both of the other two.图13.绘图更新率。

这button displayed below will clear the plot window of all metric traces. This can be done at any time, whether the supplies are on or off. New traces will become visible as more samples begin to register.Figure 14. Clear the plot window.


To change the color of the trace clock on the color box in the Color column. Pick your new color from the window that opens and click “OK” to change it.


In the top right corner of the plot another small gear icon is displayed. You can add or remove labels to the plot, change the background from black to white, and change the default trace width for all metrics. If you click on a metric, its trace will be slightly wider than the others and will also rise to the top layer of the plot to make it easier to see.Figure 16. Gear icon that will add or remove labels.

最后,就在绘图的右上角,你会看到一个绿色箭头。这将使绘图幻灯片关闭,扩展左侧的度量值列以允许更清晰的数据查看数据。再次单击它以将绘图窗口返回打开。即使关闭,绘图也将继续更新,并打开它将根据速率,样本和历史设置显示准确的历史记录。Figure 17. Plot slide button.