

  • Scope:
    • sampling clock under time options. The trigger IOs can be used as sample clock with delay and edge options.
    • Audio view: Stereo and Tempo options
  • Logic Analyzer:
    • I2S Show channel option
    • position (Nth word) option for SPI trigger on value
    • data compression for recording, for Analog Discovery 1 & 2, Electronics Explorer
  • Impedance Analyzer:
  • Nyquist plot; settle time, minimum periods options
  • support for AD Impedance Analyzer Adapter
  • Script:
    • Export function for instruments, picture and data
    • Access to Protocol/UART/RX using Receiver, Receive and ReceiveArray functions, SendArray
  • Protocol:
    • I2C ACK/NAK last read byte option
  • Scope/Logic Logging
    • picture format
    • Repeat option
    • trigger detector option in trigger source
  • Spectrum Analyzer:
    • Markers
  • Sound Card device of the computer can be used as Scope and Wavegen
  • Wavegen, Network/Impedance Analyzer:
    • external Amplification option
  • Wavegen, LabView VIs FGen dynamic configuration, adjustments without restarting the generator
  • SDK support for CAN bus TX, RX
  • more detail in Spectrum, Network and Impedance Analyzer export comments
  • import data orientation option
  • SDK functions for UART, SPI, I2C master and UART receiver
  • Tabbed/Docking window switching from main window
  • Scope and Wavegen support in 4th device configuration of Analog Discovery 1 & 2
  • MacOS option for application menu


  • OS-X rollback to FTDI driver 1.2.2
  • lower frequency limit for Scope, AWG, Network, Impedance
  • Windows XP, Vista compatible FTDI driver in 32bit installer
  • Windows installer:
    • embedded prerequisites: Windows Installer, Visual C++ Redistributable 9 32/64bit, 12 64bit
    • split installer for 32bit and 64bit WF applications, but the included WF runtime for custom applications support both architectures
  • Impedance Analyzer:
    • view names
    • solid line for magnitude


  • EExplorer AM/FM triangle, pulse, custom and play
  • DDiscovery data transfer timeout above 100MB
  • Scope edge trigger position for all devices when only one or two samples are above the threshold
  • Network Analyzer Meter export and copy
  • Data Logger quick measurements
  • Impedance Analyzer: save/load of views positions
  • 其他修复和optimizations
  • 10ns delay in Logic Analyzer Sync and Protocol interface
  • Sound Card device CPU usage
  • Logic Analyzer UART frame error threshold
  • SDK Electronics Explorer auto enumeration
  • Scope Math channel unit presets
  • Logic Analyzer Event view double click for signals
  • Impedance Analyzer admittance |Y| value
  • EExplorer error on first open